Quoting Polyglot. I dont know anything about this subject. If so, that is great news. I am very pleased to get your message. We havent been in touch for a while. I missed you. Quoting canimarab. My dear friend. After all the months of waiting your time has come, within just a few days you will be a soldier. I just wanted to wish you well on your Military Service. I hope your experience in the army will be a good one. Please look after yourself and dont forget to let us know how you are doing, when you have the time. Take Care and See you after 15 months. Aylarca süren beklemeden sonra, zamanın geldi, birkaç gün içinde asker olacaksın. Askerlik hizmetini güzel bir şekilde geçirmeni dilemek istedim. Umarım orduda güzel bir tecrübe edinirsin. Lütfen kendine Eskort damla 0536 893 11 04 bostancı bak ve zamanın olduğunda nasıl olduğuna dair bize haber vermeyi unutma. Kendine iyi bak, 15 ay sonra görüşmek üzere :o. Quoting smaragda. Umarım bir gün seni ne kadar çok sevdiğimi anlarsın. Çünkü seni çok seviyorum ama artık sen bana güvenmiyorsun ve bu benim canımı çok yakıyor. Belki ben bu acıyı hakediyorum çünkü berbat bir hata yaptım: Seni kaybettim. Kendimi affetmeyeceğim, kendimden nefret ediyorum. Quoting minnieminxx. Quoting sonunda. Quoting sam1. Quoting beaton When I next go to Turkey I would like to thank the maid for cleaning our room. My attempt at this would be:. Quoting tomac. I think this part means something like "Don´t make him do itcancel it". But I´m not sure too Ufff, Türkler neredeler?! Aşkım,s A n A ihtiya C ım var. Sensiz yaşa YA mam. Sadece yanımda ol I just wanted to share the schedule of the movies that will be featured on channel Cnbc-e in April In this way, locals and travellers may have the chance to watch some cool movies on TV with their original languages Below is the list:. Quoting ay May the dreams you wish for, would come true during your new year. Have a birthday filled with happyness! Yeni yaşında, umarım dilediğin tüm dileklerin gerçekleşir
Benimle konuþurken kendini rahat hissetmeni, her zaman güvenebileceðin en iyi arkadaþýndan daha fazla güvenmeni istiyorum. Oh, "the fastest gun in the west" award goes to tatiyana. With the first emergence of Covid, the situation was quite complicated for educational institutions that did not know how to proceed; however, the ones with prior knowledge on how to sustain online teaching were a bit more advantageous. Everybody speaks so quickly. I have sent some picures and also a DVD from our wedding day and I hope that you enjoy it, we were thinking of you on our day and wished that you could have been there.
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