Üniversitemiz Gender Equality Plan. Gender Equality Plan. In Turkey, the general principle of equality regulated in the Article No. The Article No. Paragraph added on May 7, ; Act No. The State has the obligation to ensure that this equality exists in practice. Sentence added on May 7, ; Act No. Organized Team Support Sex agreements fulfil the requirements of the Article No. The principles set forth by the protection mechanisms stipulated by the aforementioned international treaties are the prevailing provisions in terms of gender equality. In the Prime Ministery Circular No. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University's basic management approach is based on the principle of developing and implementing a policy that provides justice, respect, fairness and equal rights among academic, administrative and auxiliary staff and students without any gender discrimination. Our university attaches importance to providing gender-based equality of opportunity in scientific research and development processes, administrative studies and academic fields. The activities carried out are reported annually See: Organized Team Support Sex Reports. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University treats its students and staff fairly in all its activities and decisions, without making any discrimination among its stakeholders. At Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, respectful and sensitive behavior Organized Team Support Sex all stakeholders and social values is adopted. In all actions pertaining to gender equality, priority is given to social norms and values on the basis of respect for individual rights and freedoms. At the same time, utmost care is given to expand rights. A free discussion environment is provided for both students and staff within the university. In this sense, on the condition that it does not call for violence and does not contain hate speech, gender equality is taken into account by prioritizing gender equality in freedom of expression. Both academic and administrative assignments and promotions are based on gender equality by considering gender equality according to knowledge and experience. Besides a "procedural justice" oriented approach is adopted, acting with a sense of institutional and social responsibility towards disadvantaged individuals and groups. The plan will be reviewed and updated based on the evaluation of its results. It endeavours to meet the requirements of the Gender Equality Plan and reports the outcomes annually. Ensuring gender equality balance in academic and administrative units. Positive discrimination practices such as quotas in favour of women who are under-represented in management and decision-making mechanisms, 2. Ensuring gender equality balance in decision-making mechanisms such as faculty boards and administrative boards in the academy, 3. Carrying out activities that raise awareness of gender equality within the institution, 4. Examining the available data on the professional development processes and management positions of female personnel in the academic and administrative units of the university and eliminating shortcomings. Establishing information data networks on gender equality and receiving support from relevant units in this scope, 7. Considering the gender equality perspective in the research activities of the project teams, research groups, laboratories and workshops, 8. Carrying out studies panels, training seminars, etc. Collaborating with non-governmental organizations, relevant institutions and women-oriented research centres at universities within the scope of an effective fight against gender-based violence, biases and discrimination with the aim of achieving the stated goals, Ensuring the work-life balance of the staff working in the academic, administrative and other units of the university in the context of gender equality. Responsible Unit. Determination of strategic institutional targets to realize a policy sensitive to the social principles of the university. Equality Commission assignment schema and activity. Making institutional arrangements sensitive to work-life balance. Providing institutional support mechanisms to ensure equal opportunities for female academics Providing nursery facilities, arranging business hours. Activities and services carried out within the scope of work-life balance. Ensuring a gender equality balance in academic and administrative units and decision-making mechanisms. Implementation of positive discrimination practices such as quotas in favor of underrepresented women in management and decision-making mechanisms. Distribution of male and female personnel in representation units and the number of participation. Analysing the situation of leadership and decision-making processes; carrying out regular monitoring and evaluation activities. Determination of targets to provide a perspective based on gender equality in all units of the university. Encouraging participation in training seminars and training programs for academic, administrative, and auxiliary personnel, Producing content to create an "institutional communication language" perspective that considers gender equality in communication in all units of the university.
To organize training programs for the prevention of common diseases and contamination,. Increase the number of gender-focused courses in graduate programs. In the Prime Ministery Circular No. Archived from the original on 18 July NB: considering the purpose and values of the organisation, DDD requests to its employee complete flexibility in term of duties and commitment, as their job description and job title can be adjusted throughout the year according to needs and priorities. Ensuring the work-life balance of the staff working in the academic, administrative and other units of the university in the context of gender equality.
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SU Gender organizes an international webinar series focusing on sexual harassment, gender-based violence, diversity and inclusion inside and outside the. This Note argues that although all sexual favoritism in the workplace is harmful and should be regulated, the EEOC's Policy Guidance on. Men and women are two words that describe whether an individual is biologically female or male, as well as whether she or he fits into the society's role. With the right and appropriate technical operations, we provide individualized treatments performed as soon as possible by the best experts in the country.Providing training to academic and administrative staff on care and parental leave Planning flexible working arrangements for parents with disabled children Sharing the leave granted to only one parent of a child with a disability between the parents in order to ensure gender equality Facilitating the performance evaluation criteria for female staff for the first three years after childbirth. Our organization collaborates with partners and key stakeholders to implement projects that facilitate access to primary and secondary-level healthcare services to respond to the medical needs of displaced population. Providing gender equality trainings to the students at the university. It does rights based and service oriented activities, for which it is locally, regionally and internationally recognized. Archived from the original on 19 January The Article No. The State has the obligation to ensure that this equality exists in practice. Developing policies that adopt the principles of gender equality in the university recruitment processes. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. Ensuring the determination of ethical rules and behavioral principles that will prevent gender-based biases and discrimination, Collaborating with non-governmental organizations, relevant institutions and women-oriented research centres in universities within the scope of an effective fight against gender-based violence, biases and discrimination. In these meetings, where the creation of safe spaces is essential, the association determines and announces a topic every week, and shares experiences, feelings and thoughts around this topic with the participants face to face every Sunday at PM. Number of courses. Positive discrimination practices such as quotas in favour of women who are under-represented in management and decision-making mechanisms, 2. Determination of strategic institutional targets to realize a policy sensitive to the social principles of the university. Besides a "procedural justice" oriented approach is adopted, acting with a sense of institutional and social responsibility towards disadvantaged individuals and groups. Archived from the original on 21 August Retrieved 4 September To provide psycho-education and consultancy services to ensure that academic and administrative staff adapt to the university and increase their academic success. Retrieved To provide consultancy services to students about reproductive and sexual health,. Carrying out studies panels, training seminars, etc. Creating the seminar and training programs. Archived from the original on 30 June Both academic and administrative assignments and promotions are based on gender equality by considering gender equality according to knowledge and experience. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview. Analysing the situation of leadership and decision-making processes; carrying out regular monitoring and evaluation activities. External links [ edit ]. Academic Activities [ edit ]. Services provided to students and staff in line with the objectives determined by the Youth Advisory Center Coordination;. Political Participation [ edit ]. Providing necessary incentives to support studies projects, articles, research on Gender Equality and Perspective. Monitoring the use of care and parental leave by creating a Gender Equality Database. To direct academic and administrative staff and students to secondary health units for bio-psycho-social and mental health, reproductive health and sexual health issues that require treatment. To provide the necessary support to students in the determined risk group through individual and group counseling and psycho-training,.