Log In Sign Up. What do you Dr Chakwas Need Escort help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Mass Effect 2 On last mission and need advice SPOILER! nehukog 14 years ago 1. I just resuced Dr. Chakwas, and some of the other crew, and now have to have the team split up again. So far everyone is alive, and I chose Samara to lead the small group surrounded by the biotic barrier, but now I am faced with another option. Do I send someone to escort the crew to get picked up, or choose the "mission comes first" option? Which one will let all team members survive? From what I hear, you send a Dr Chakwas Need Escort leader back to escort people SunDevil77 posted Taking teeth and biting Johnson. Send Jacob back with the crew, or they will die. It doesn't have to be Jacob, but it worked for me in both of my playthroughs. twosocksofchaos 14 years ago 4. Make it Mordin. He has a high chance of death, unless he escorts or you take him with you. Keldean 14 years ago 5. Just play the game yourself and find out. Part of the fun is making your own choices. You're really depriving yourself of what makes the final mission fun if you're gonna ask about who you should pick to do what. joventino 14 years ago 6. Send anyone that's loyal I sent Mordin and they made it back okay. ggbiggs 14 years ago 7. You can send anyone back, even Mordin I've heard. More Topics from this Board. Legendary edition reveals ME2 is the worst of the triology. Armor List Complete [UPDATED]. Anybody know how many planets are in the game? Roses are red, Violets are blue. On illium who should I have liara kill? Where is Emily Wong and Dr. Side Quest. How exactly do I keep both Jacks and Mirandas loyalty? Aria's cache of goodies? Where i can find citadel?
Sci-fi Mass Effect. She can offer an explanation of the medical problems L2 biotics suffer, which provides some background for assignments later on. Report this post REASON. you've never called me by my first name. So far everyone is alive, and I chose Samara to lead the small group surrounded by the biotic barrier, but now I am faced with another option. In general, Chakwas is glad to see familiar faces in the Normandy.
Karin Chakwas
I didn't even know she could die until not too Lastly, you will also need to decide whether to send somebody to escort the Normandy's crew out of the Collector Base: If you choose somebody Loyal to escort Or you can send a Loyal squadmate to escort So yeah, the Michel thing is essentially there so that any player, even those who let Chakwas die In any case, Shepard will then choose whether or not to assign a squadmate to escort Dr. Chakwas and any remaining survivors back to the Normandy. If Shepard Yeah, Chakwas is one of the harder characters to kill off (only if you don't send an escort).Shepard can defuse the argument with their own views, and in case they support Adams instead of the doctor, Chakwas retorts Shepard and Adams are practically machines themselves. Re: Dr. Faunts View Profile View Posts. FANDOM Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video. It is during this event that Shepard learns the real reason Dr. Characters Customization Equipment Gear Maps Challenges. Armor Combat Missions Resources Skills Weapons. Thank you. However, Jenkins was a lot less enthusiastic at the outcome of Kaidan's "demonstration" than he is in her retelling. Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab. Browse More Questions. What do you need help on? When EDI takes over Dr. Which one will let all team members survive? Sqarkplugz talk. Is it possible to get everyone killed in the Suicide Mission while recruiting every available character in the game? But humanity needs the Alliance if we want to keep expanding through the Traverse, and the Alliance always needs good doctors. I would Google "holding the line" outcomes to see what guaranteed combinations will bet what and personally I wonder if there are outside factors. Edit source History. Chakwas wasn't sent away to assist in building the Crucible, she still misses out on attending Shepard's big party at Admiral Anderson 's former apartment. If Shepard decides they can't spare anyone to escort the noncombatants, the doctor gravely accepts the Commander's decision but shakes their hand, expressing hope that they will see each other again. Categories : Characters Humans Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Cut Content Normandy Systems Alliance Recurring Characters Add category. She feels that she needs stability in her life, and serving on the Normandy with Joker and Shepard brings her comfort. Shepard can talk to Doctor Chakwas later. Shepard can replenish the squad's medi-gel stocks from the infirmary where she is usually working. Eva's body, Chakwas quips that Joker is going to have a "field day", to which Shepard wryly agrees. Jenkins: Is it confirmed that she talks about Jenkins AND Ashley if Ashley died on Virmire, or are they separate anecdotes? Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. On the other hand, the longer the mission is delayed, the lower the number of the Normandy's crew remains alive, eventually leaving only Dr. Topic Archived. Ive played through both sexes, and every time I talk to her about this, She only talks about Alenko and Jenkins. Sci-fi Mass Effect. It isn't noted in the article, but since her alternative Dr Michel disappears after the Cerberus coup attempt, I assume Dr Chakwas does the same.